Friday, June 24, 2011

"Dancing in the Street," David Bowie and Mick Jagger

I love David Bowie.  Sometimes, I even love Mick Jagger.  But this – this I cannot love:

Seriously, this video makes me weep with all of its horrendous fashion and off-key singing. Bowie and Jagger act like a bunch of drunk, older relatives at the family reunion who are about let loose on the karaoke machine. Of course, given their altered state, they’re going to pick a song so easy that they just have to shout out random places –Tokyo! South America! On the streets of Brazil! Philadelphia, PA! The secondhand embarrassment you feel is almost too much, yet you keep watching because, well, it’s Bowie and Jagger, and they’ve contributed a lot to your musical upbringing.

But then, at the end, you see them do synchronized rump shakes – and you’re just happy that it's all over. 


  1. ha ha!!! This is certainly the worst of the worst ever!!!

  2. For sure - I still have no idea how it even got made!
